Arts Appreciation Society

Membership Application / Renewal Form

Please complete the form and make payment. Payment details are below the form. We look forward to welcoming you.
Please accept my application / renewal for MY / OUR membership for the year 2025 at £50
Please note that in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations 2018, the above details are maintained on the SPITHEAD ARTS membership database and if you choose to let us have your tel number and/or email address, we will use them solely for the purpose of SPITHEAD ARTS notifications. Your details are not shared with any other organisations. Full details of our Privacy Statement can be found on our website: https://www.spitheadarts.co.uk


If paying by cheque: please make it payable to “SPITHEAD ARTS” and complete the form online above. Please send your cheque to the Membership Secretary, Mrs Karen Loneragan, 4 Testcombe Road, Alverstoke, Gosport, PO12 2EL, enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope.

If paying by bank transfer: please use Sort Code: 30-93-56 Account No: 00647336 using your surname and initial as a reference and complete the form online above.

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